Friday, January 18, 2008

Sweet! Two pay offers that I did a few days ago finally confirmed today. One paid me $9 and the other paid me $8. And I only spent $1. Now it's safe to cancel those in another week or two so that I won't get charged once the month is up. This means that I'm back up to being just under making $10 a day which is my original goal for the month.
$170.84 divided by 18 days is $9.50 a day.
I've only been putting in an average of 1 hour a day, give or take a little here and there.
So, do you think it's worth it to do these sites....? I do.

Total made for the month so far on CashCrate = $71.99
Total made for the month so far on TreasureTrooper = $77.70
Total made for the month so far on EazyMazuma = $21.15

........................................Total made so far in 2008 = $170.84

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