I did manage to do a couple surveys here and there and made a little bit of money. See, you definitely don't have to slave away at the computer in all your spare time to make some extra cash for the month. I made enough last month to cover my electric bill.
I also realized that TreasureTrooper's payment date is a little weird. Apparently they pay you 30 days from the date you started, not at the end of a month. So I continued to make January's money well into February, the 12th to be exact. That's sort of weird and it screws with the way I am keeping track of my earnings on this blog. So January's total (my first month on TT to be exact) turned out to be $92.70 (not $87) So I guess that last $5.70 would be technically part of February's earnings, so with the $11.15 that would really be $16.85 for last month. Oh yeah, and I have my minimum payment set to $25, so hopefully I can reach that by March 12th which is the next time I get paid.
Total made in February on CashCrate.................... = $24.36
Total made in second month on TreasureTrooper = $11.15 (will carry into 1st half of March)
Total made in February on EasyMazuma............... = $3.05
Total made so far in 2008.............$218.90 + $24.36 = $243.26
I am not counting TT and EM since they will carry over
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