Friday, March 14, 2008

Extra Perk

Sweet! I got a $10 gas card in the mail yesterday. It was for signing up for a trial offer that cost me $1 for the first month. The offer paid me $8 on TreasureTrooper for signing up, and the company was also giving out $10 Exxon Mobile cards just for signing up. And if you cancel before the first month ends, you got to keep the gas card. They actually sent it out to me as I cancelled in the same phone call. So for spending $1, I earned myself $17.

There are many more offers just like that on these survey sites. I should take another look at them and see which ones are worth doing, it's been a while since I've done pay offers. Whenever I do them, I tend to do them all in one day to keep everything more organized. I always write down all the information for each one so that I cancel them in time before the month trials are over. If you keep good track, you can make some really fast money that way. ALWAYS make sure you read the fine print so that you are not surprised with any fees.

And even though I'm now only making an average of $25-30 a month from each site (it used to be a couple hundred a month), let me tell you, getting those small checks in the mail each month definitely comes in handy...


Total made so far in March on CashCrate = $15.59
Total made so far in March on TreasureTrooper = $31.00
Total made so far in March on EasyMazuma = $8.25
Extras this month................................................$10 gas card

Total made so far in March................................ $64.84

Total made so far in 2008...$243.26 + $64.84 = $308.10

Gobbler Hosting

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