Thursday, January 3, 2008

So I'm brain storming, trying to think of different websites off the top of my head that I already know of where you could possibly make money online, and E-trade is the first that comes to mind. I don't know much about stocks, but I could definitely learn. And I wouldn't want to spend any of my own money, so anything extra that I don't need for bills could be used to join E-trade and to buy and trade stocks online...If I can actually learn how to do this and be successful at it, I think I might be onto something...Dare I even say that it would be possible to make a Million dollars strictly off the internet? In one year? Or would that be setting myself up for failure? It reminds me of that one guy who traded his way from a paperclip to a house...that would be too weird. but it would be so amazing too! Almost surreal. Part of a new generation that makes their money digitally, virtually, on the internet. Like those people that deal in real estate on the game Second Life. Even if I don't make a million dollars, I could still make a decent living on the side. Maybe there's an "E-Trade For Dummies" book or something, that I could buy with the $25 gift card I have to the bookstore. I just checked out the site and some of the stuff looks really complicated, so it might be something I have to research a bit first. Because I could potentially lose a lot of money on the site if I make some dumb decisions and don't know what I'm doing.

Ok, so maybe definitely E-Trade, I'll have to look into that a bit more.

Another one that comes to mind is I've probably heard the ad on the radio a hundred times but have never actually checked out the website. Well, I just checked it out now, and it's something you have to pay for to join this business venture that this guy set up. Plus it looks like you deal with herbal supplements and pills, and I don't really want to do that. It's not really what I'm looking for, so I can cross that one off the list.

I just googled "Get Paid To" which is slang for the type of survey sites you can make money on.
At least 10 different websites come up, with possibly more on the next page. So I think I am going to save that for tomorrow or this weekend to give those a look and see if they are worth trying.

My earnings for the month so far on CashCrate is: $33.51

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